Fight violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres
Fight violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres
The European Programme for Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (HELP)
All women and girls in the UE and in and Southern Mediterranean region that suffer from domestic violence or that needs to access justice for such violence.
Legal professional in Europe and Southern Mediterranean region that want to know more on the subject of violence against VAWG.
They “improve the quality of the judicial response in violence against women and domestic violence cases and support the access to justice for victims of violence while prosecuting perpetrators”.
They are offering free courses to legal professional in Europe and Southern Mediterranean region
Resonnantes, a non-profit association fighting against VAWG
In this case, they are the same. They are women subjected to violence seeking for help, their relatives and witnesses. They would potentially be located in the whole world. Indeed, the “alert” function works anywhere in the world but the referencing of assistance and information resources by sector is available only in certain countries. Currently App-Elles has 6,800 structures in over 13 countries.
Protecting women and girls suffering from violence or being in dangerous situations.
This application offers to women the possibility to alert and protect themselves via a variety of services : they can alert their close one, share their position and give a call to the authorities or anyone knowing that the conversation will be recorded. This app also allows witnesses and the victim relatives to take care after them. Finally, they also offer connected objects for women that enables them to send an alert to a designated person by the victim whenever they are in danger.
A women-only rideshare startup called Shebah.
Women looking for safe lifts in Australian cities but also female drivers who want to work in a safe environement.
The Women looking for safe lifts in Australian cities. But also female driver looking for safe jobs.
Offering an safe alternative to rideshare for women, thus preventing sexual assault and other violence that women encounter sometimes with regular ridesharing app.
A rideshare service destined for women with only women drivers. Customer book rides through an App.
It is managed by the French Government more especially by the Fédération Nationale Solidarité Femmes and promoted by the Secretariat of State in charge of equality between women and men.
They are the same in this case : Female victims of blackmail, humiliation, insults, beating... But also their relatives and and professionals concerned.
Protecting women subjected to domestic abuse.
A hotline that can be called at any time in order to get some information or help. It is completely free and anonymous.
How to ensure safe car rides for female drivers and female clients in Australia thus preventing them from any violence or abuse?
I decided to work on this project because I know such applications uses a lot of different APIS and I thought it could be interresting for me to understand the functionning of features we consider as basic.
Even though there is two user sides for this application (the driver and the customer), I decided to focus on the customer side. Any use of the word "user" in the following text will refer to women in Australia looking for safe lifts in cities.
Key feature 1 : order a ride
Key feature 2 :book a ride for later
Other Feature : track the driver location Feature : pay with
different means of payments
The principle of Shebah is to connect women drivers and customers through an application. When a user orders a taxi on the app, a nearby driver receives the request on their app and can then accept the ride.